If you are happy to support the application/s it would help if you write to the council in your own words (an e-mail of support can be submitted but letters are better) and explain who you are, how you came to know of the site (the use that you made of it), how long you have been attending events here and the benefits of the showground and marquee to you and the Borough in terms of leisure and tourism, the economy etc. If you have been attending events or using the site for many years it would help my case if you could set this out in as much detail as possible in your reply to the Council.
We would be happy to answer any queries that you may have, please do not hesitate to contact us .
Jim Gallie
Phone: 01268 769000
Email: jim@battlesbridge.com
I am away from 15th - 23rd February but my planning agent will be pleased to assist:
Stewart Rowe
The Planning and Design Bureau Ltd
Land-Use Planning and Architecture
45 Hart Road, Thundersley, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 3PB
Phone: 01268 758999 / 07960 917174
Email: stewart@planningdesignbureau.co.uk